A fun light-hearted approach to flower arranging.

Each month you will be shown how to create a design.

incorporating the principles and elements of design.







WHAT TO BRING – suggestions

FEBRUARY 11TH WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? Whatever suites your flowers and container Bunch of supermarket flowers, foliage, container, scissors or secaterurs
MARCH 11TH LESS IS MORE A simple line design Five flowers, some large-ish leaves, pin holder, container, some twigs
APRIL 8TH WIRED! A design using wire Flowers, foliage, deepish container, plus maybe some Easter accessories.
MAY 13TH BON APPÉTIT! A round or oval design suitable for a dining table Flowers, foliage and a container suitable for a round or oval design.
JUNE 10TH IN THE FRAME A hand tied design A frame made at home, flowers, foliage, a few large leaves, raffia or ribbon.
JULY 8TH THE LOWDOWN A Pavé arrangement A very shallow container, smallish flowers, seed heads and foliage, moss
AUGUST 12TH MONOCHROME An arrangement using a limited colour palette Flowers of similar, tones, hues or shades – colours! Foliage? A container to suite your chosen style of design
SEPTEMBER 9TH FABULOUS FOLIAGE A design/shape we haven’t covered- parallel, curve, asymmetrical, crescent? Foliage, berries, twigs – no flowers! A continer to suit the foliage you have brought.
OCTOBER 14TH POT LUCK A design to suit the container you have been given Flowers and foliage, plus a container which you will then swap with someone else’s
NOVEMBER 11TH FIREWORKS A modern/contemporary design Colourful flowers and foliage to suit the title, twigs and suitable container
DECEMBER 9TH IT’S CHRISTMAS Bring a ready made topiary tree Nibbles!
For each session bring scissors, secateurs, flowers, foliage and a container, plus any accessories you feel might complement your design. Pot tape and wire can be useful. We are trying to avoid the excessive use of floral foam but sometimes it’s just better! So please don’t feel guilty if you use it. There will be a small sales table with, Oasis, Agra Wool (totally biodgradable Bloc), small green dishes and tape and some wires for sale.


Meetings are on 2nd Tuesday of every month 7 – 9pm in The Pearce Suite, at Trull Memorial Hall
Trull.  TA3 7JZ (Opposite the church)

£30.00 per year  or £4.00 per session 

All levels of flower arrangers are catered for in this group and all are welcome  There is ample parking at the Memorial Hall.


Elements of Design are Colour, Form, Line, Space and Texture

Principles of Design:  Dominance, balance  – visual and actual, harmony, scale, contrast, proportion, rhythm/movement.